Saturday 28 April 2012

Function and Advantages of DMS

Function of DMS
  • Record all the data and information about the inventory to the computer
  • Check the accuracy of the inventory record
  • Make analysis based on the inventory information
  • Predict the trend of the market and when to order the motorcycle and spare parts to fulfill the need of the customers
  • Make comparison on the company performance and decide the quantity order of motorcycle and spare parts due to the demand of customer’s sales in the past.
  • Determine the company’s strength and weakness
  • Control the inventory of the company become more efficiency and effective
  • Arrange the inventory into classes and categories so that the company can get the different information at the same time.
  • Make several decisions on inventory control for the company to be chosen to match the company objective.
Advantages of DMS
  • To help the company to save costs
  • Enhance the work processes becomes more efficiency
  • Increase the sales and profit
  • Optimize the work processes

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